About Cami

Read more about my background on my About Me page here.
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Why Ebay is the devil

Selling Hiatus - Explaining Our Absence: In case you've been wondering... Ebay policies and scammy buyers made us step back I’ve been absent for a while. I was languishing under a bad case of the “I don’t want to deal with it anymore”-itis from an [...]

  • Garden Hat African Violet Wicking Tray With Plants Big

Wicking Trays for African Violets

Wicking Trays: Somebody always comes up with a better mousetrap! Somebody always comes up with a better mousetrap! I’ve been trying to come up with an effective wicking method to water my African violets FOREVER! I’d done the single plant per little container where [...]

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African Violet Leaf Types

African Violet Leaf Types: Basic but worth learning! African Violets vary on so many levels. Aside from the types and colors of flowers or size of the plant itself, African Violet leaves can be what helps to differentiate or distinguish one type of seemingly [...]

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Garden Adventures – Burlington Garden Center

Garden Adventures: A Garden Gem in Burlington, Wisconsin A Garden Gem in Burlington, WI For Mother’s Day, I went on a little road trip with my daughter. I like to get out and explore once and awhile. Get away from the [...]

  • Garden Hat's Soldering Leds for African Violet Shelves

LEDs for African Violets – Solder The Connections

LEDs for African Violets: Lesson Learned: Solder the connections Lesson Learned: Solder the connections. Whether you run one or more colors or if you have continuous runs of 4 or more led light strips on your African Violet shelves, you will need [...]

  • Leds for African Violet Shelves

LEDs for African Violets – The Journey Begins

LEDs for African Violets: The Journey Begins My journey into LEDs has begun! Using LEDs with African Violets and other indoor plants is entirely possible. Aside from the power consumption savings, LEDs operate with almost no heat. African Violets can be placed [...]

  • Garden Hat - African Violet Sport

African Violet Sport

African Violet Sports: An interesting genetic variation An African Violet Sport is an African violet that does not bloom true. No, I’m not talking about a new game where a ball is kicked around in the AVL (African violet league)…this is about when [...]

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Plants To Consider: Gynura

Gynura sarmentosa A pretty and fuzzy oddity…. Gynura: A nice oddity to consider What I label as an oddity is actually considered a "common plant" in spite of its very real horticultural interest. It is the Gynura sarmentosa, more affectionately known as the [...]

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Mitchell Park Domes Under Siege!

Garden Adventures: Mitchell Park Domes Under Siege! Mitchell Park Domes Are In Trouble I wrote about the Mitchell Park Domes and the Garden Adventure we had there here. The pictures accompanying that entry depict the beauty and benefit of such a [...]

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Garden Adventures – Mitchell Park Domes

Garden Adventures: Mitchell Park Conservatory Domes Mitchell Park Domes Garden Adventure! I made a trip to The Mitchell Park Domes, otherwise known as the Milwaukee/Mitchell Conservatory Domes, one early spring day with my daughter, who was visiting from New York. We were two bored [...]